Memory Futures

Limmud Europe Lights

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Limmud Europe Channukah event

candle-lighting, learning and connecting

Join us for the candle-lighting on Day 4, sing with us, learn with us, drink and eat with us, all for free and from your home!

We will be led into the candle-lighting by our hosts from the Baltic Sea (Limmud Baltica is soon...) before diving into the Channukah story & a lot of Maccabean fun.

Fret not - no revolt, no family feuds, no blood-shed, but a take on the story of the Maccabees from an Antique, Talmudic, Zionist and many more perspectives. What does it mean to stand up for our ideals? Who are our modern day Maccabees? And if that's not enough: our famous online Limmud pub is back! Bring your friends, parents, partners, pets, in-laws, lovers and mistresses (this is a Maccabean event after all), anyone and everyone is welcome!
The event will be on ZoomEvents
Click here to register: